New mom mental health

Perhaps it’s just because I hated pregnancy so darn much, but I have had a wonderful post partum experience so far. I owe a lot of that to the research and preparation I did before and to taking the advice of many wise people. I wish I could credit all of these tips to their…

Showing up still

I got pregnant. And it was all I ever wanted...except so far it hasn’t turned out quite like I expected. I haven’t been writing for a few reasons. I sometimes still give in to a faulty core belief that it’s okay to give advice or wisdom if you WENT through a hard time, but not…

Waving the white flag

One of my history teachers used to talk about how lame France was in history. Over and over, he said, they waved the white flag early on in a fight and ducked out. He thought that made them cowards. Most people would agree that surrendering or quitting is a sign of weakness. I don’t know…

What I wish I would have known

I'm getting vulnerable today, you guys, and sharing a letter I wrote to my mission self. As I was reading though my journals from my early days battling mental illness, I felt so sad for that girl. I wanted to reach out and hug her and tell her everything is going to be okay. That's…

Practicing gratitude

I don’t know about you, but I heard "gratitude" thrown around and pounded into me from a young age at church. It began to lose its meaning and I pretty much tuned out as a kid. Sure, God has given us everything and we should be grateful. I figured it was something I needed to…

First Aid kits

Photo by on I spent months before my mission deciding what should go in my missionary bag. I read so many blog posts and articles with “Things I wish I knew before my mission…” and was determined to be the best prepared, best dressed, and best organized missionary. Well, if you know my…


So, I'm not a psychologist. I don't have any fancy degrees or credentials. But what I do have is firsthand knowledge of what it's like to feel things deeply and have no idea what to do about it. And the ideas and strategies that I write about are things that I've truly tried and seen…


Um, am I the only one who has no idea what that word even means really? I mean it's trendy and people throw it around a lot and I get the gist, but what's the deal with it? I'll go Google it quick, be right back.  Okay, I found a few definitions that I think…

What is self-care?

It's Christmas time! I absolutely love the focus on giving, gratitude, kindness, and joy during this season. It can be a time of renewal and grace. It can also be a time of stress, high expectations, and neglecting self-care. Parents to try to create perfect Christmas moments for their kids, but sometimes they scream through…